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Inhalation Model of Allergic Fungal Asthma


An Inhalation Model of Airway Allergic Response to Inhalation of Environmental Aspergillus Fumigatus Conidia in Sensitized BALB/c Mice. Med Mycol. 2010 Dec;48(8):1056-65. doi: 10.3109/13693786.2010.485582. Epub 2010 May 20.

The ability to accurately mimic normal processes for sensitization and allergen challenge in an experimental animal model are useful in that they allow researchers to critically manipulate the complex interactions of multiple cell types. In the context of the allergic lung, multiple cell types form complex cellular networks and function to regulate a variety of temporal and spatial changes. Mouse models of allergic airway disease have proven to be highly useful for dissecting these complex interactions, particularly in addressing remodeling of the allergic airway in chronic asthma. Until we can better represent the normal processes that initiate and perpetuate asthma, our understanding of the mechanisms of tissue injury leading to chronic remodeling of the airways and effective therapeutic strategies to treat this disease will remain limited. It was with this goal in mind that we set about devising an inhalational model of Aspergillus fumigatus -induced fungal asthma in a murine experimental system.

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  • Respiratory System