A Method to Enable the Investigation of Murine Bronchial Immune Cells
A Method to Enable the Investigation of Murine Bronchial Immune Cells, their Cytokines and Mediators. Maxeiner JH, Karwot R, Hausding M, Sauer KA, Scholtes P, Finotto S. Nat Protoc. 2007;2(1):105-12.
Innovative therapies for severe lung diseases (such as allergic and chronic asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or any type of lung cancer) require a detailed understanding of the cellular and immune processes in the lung. This protocol details a method to obtain the immune cells of the bronchi as well as the cytokines and mediators produced by these cells for further investigation. The broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) is taken by injecting physiological solution through the tracheal tube into the murine airways and carefully regained by winding up the connected syringe. After centrifugation, the resulting BALF supernatant can be stored for detection of cytokines or other mediators by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or other methods; the resuspended cell pellet can also be used for flow cytometric analyses, to check cell viability and the level of apoptosis, as well as other applications. In addition, CD4+ T cells isolated from wild-type and genetically modified mice alone or along with other immunologically important cells such as T regulatory cells, which can be used to reconstitute immunodeficient mice, may be retrieved from the airways with this method. This protocol can be completed within 35 min.
Respiratory System